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Creative employee perks
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In a competitive marketplace, employers are bending over backward to attract top talent, and that includes offering creative employee perks and benefits. This innovative approach can help with recruitment and retention, as well as create a culture of care in your workplace. Idea to Plan can help you generate strategies for both business and employee cultivation. 

Rewarding Employees

While most employers offer standard health, retirement, and vacation benefits, many are going above and beyond to attract and retain high-level performers. According to Terryberry, these approaches let employees know their work is appreciated, and in many cases, help them create a better work-life balance that’s not only healthy but can make them better employees in the long run. The best part is, a lot of extra niceties don’t necessarily have to break the bank.

On-site Offerings

Consider stocking your break room with fun or healthy snacks and gourmet coffees, teas, and sparkling water. Employees can have a little refreshment during break times, which will serve the counter purpose of keeping them more alert and active throughout the course of the day. Also consider quiet rooms where staffers can go for a brief respite, whether it’s a power nap, or a chance to meditate or participate in relaxation breathing. You might even offer a deal in which employees can sign up for on-site car washes, dry cleaning pick-up and drop-off, or postal and delivery services.

Wellness Activities

If you’ve got an open conference room, consider hosting daily yoga sessions and bring in a certified yoga pro. You might also have regular work and wellness programs where employees can enjoy a catered or brown bag lunch while they learn about stress reduction techniques, helpful workout regimes, or creating a positive work-life balance. You can also offer on-site counseling, nutritionists, or professional development programs that are in line with your particular area of work. According to Culture Amp, this shows employees you are invested in their overall well-being.

Special Discounts

Some companies go the extra mile in forming relationships with outside vendors that allow them to offer special benefits to employees at a reduced cost. For example, you may be able to purchase group gym memberships, get discounts from restaurants or theaters, or even offer an array of discounts at a variety of companies, ranging from travel planning to automotive care. This may even cost less than you think, particularly when vendors are willing to give you a super – or even free – price as a way to generate new interest in their business.

Think Outside the Box

Generate some creative ideas that allow you to give special offerings to both singles and families. For example, you could offer tickets to local sporting events – like if you’re looking for Yankees tickets or want to take the team to a Mets game, some online ticket sellers give you the opportunity to buy in bulk and access deals to stretch your dollar. You could have access to regular games, as well as spring training. Consider having a company night at the stadium, or handing out tickets as a thank-you to high performers. You can also use this as a way to entertain regular or prospective clients.

Perks on a Budget

If you’ve got a limited budget for creative employee perks, there are some things that cost little to no money. For example, host a monthly potluck, where you supply the main dish; allow flexible work schedules, work-from-home, or job sharing; let staffers work staggered work shifts so they can manage home and family needs, as well as beat rush hour traffic. Consider giving employees “discretionary hours” of paid time away from work so they can attend parent-teacher meetings and school plays, or take a mental health day. These small “extras” will make staffers feel seen and will hugely contribute to your creative employee perks.

In a competitive environment, employers need to have an exceptional workplace culture that employees are excited to be part of. Consider forming an employee committee that can come up with some strategies for keeping morale high, scheduling team-building activities, and ensuring everyone is happy in their place of work.

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