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Effective Leaders: Managers as Decision Makers

effective business leaders
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Leadership is the ability with a motive that drives managers in the processes of accomplishment. This ability entails making decisions that will positively foster self-growth, employee enthusiasm, customer and stakeholder’s impact that pushes an organization’s breakthrough and prosperity.

Roles of a Manager as an effective leader

Effective leadership requires the manager, to understand their roles and responsibilities as assigned. These roles must work to produce better choices and decisions for others to follow and emulate. Effective leaders are cognitively made, in a sense, they should continuously uplift and improve their abilities and qualities in effective leadership. These qualities are formed with an outgoing practice of roles such as; image building, team building, decision-making, and communication skills.

Image building

Image building is the professional achievement of employee support. It is persistently aligned to the demonstration of integrity, fairness and professionalism. For a good image, the manager as a leader should be open-minded and aware of the personal needs of his/her employees. This awareness creates responsive and supportive directives, notions and influence to the team. With a well grown and natured image, a well laid out organization structure with high standards at a peak level. The performance will be instilled into the organization as a culture that promotes trust, integrity and credibility to the whole organization.

Team building

Effective managers should embark on an effort to ensure all the employees in their different organizational levels are; informed and aware of the organization’s strategic plans, developments and achievements among other success factors. This can be achieved by providing the necessary support to the members by; provision of performance feedback, organizational news, appreciation and recognition of personal achievements and efforts from the employees. Through appropriate team building, an organization draws an informative approach that; helps employees in their different levels of work build confidence of acceptance into the organization. This in turn produces an understanding of a meaningful contribution they should offer to propel the desired goals and results.

Decision making

Some organization issues are highly significant, requiring a high level of sanity while coming up with a decision. Some decisions are subject to immediate implementation. Decision making sometimes comes bundled with emotional reactions and extreme brain stress out that hinders right decision making abilities e.g. when deciding whether to reposition an employee or do away with them. Leaders should be in a position to realize that these emotional reactions and intense brain stress out are a normal condition, and it should not hinder the right decisions implementation.

Effective leaders with proper decision making skills should be able to constantly develop an analysis of the problem at hand, review it and consult thoroughly before implementation of a decision. By looking at all aspects ranging from impact to employees, stakeholders and institutions well-being. A decision-making plan involves analyzing the problem and its wide array of solutions tabled, selective picking implemented to find out the one that dully suits the organization’s structure.

Communications skills

Managers practicing effective leadership skills should be able to use all methods of communication available precisely and with clarity. This precision delivers information to customers, stakeholders and employees. This creates the foundation of an informative transfer adoption among all others within the organization. This leader should develop good listening skills, mostly from the opposition. This approach enlightens them on different aspects they would have otherwise assumed.

Guidelines for effective decision-making

Effective leaders understand the need to equate and balance emotional reactions and reasoning to positively enhance decision making with making that has an impact on the whole institutions. Effective leaders know when to act on available information and when to hold back and study other additional information before acting. Three critical aspects of effective decision-making are developed from emotional know-how, handling of uncertainty and working with intuition of weighing the options involved.

Managing emotional reactions

These is the ability to maneuver over personal emotional reactions mostly characterized by fear, anger and anxiety. These feelings hinder good and perfect decision-making procedures. Effective leaders should be aware of their states and be in a position to manage and control themselves during such instances of emotional takeaway.

Managing uncertainty

Making critical decisions is always a hard thing for everyone. This is because the outcome results are uncertain and undefined. This uncertainty creates problematic discomforts that builds a rush that evolves to making a lot of efforts to a decision to reduce uncertainty ending up with no conclusive decision at all.

To resolve this, leaders should question themselves whether the undefined and uncertain aspect of a problem is really solvable. Also, the approach of problems with uncertain outcomes should be approached in a way that limits options to choose from. These aspects reduce the rush out that results to the tabling of many options without one that seems favorable.

Intuitive weighing of options

This is the aspect where you create knowledge without necessarily having to understand or even provide evidence for your reasoning. By trusting your expertise in a certain work-related field, your intuitions cognitively grow to enable your inner self make concrete and viable decisions without having to rethink about them.

This strategy provides satisfaction with the decisions made, intuition can be achieved by constantly listening to being human and ignoring the human doing.



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